Jimmy Raney

Happy Birthday Jimmy Raney 2017

At this time of year when the many Raney birthday’s emerge:

Jimmy Raney, 1981
Jimmy Raney, Raney ’81 Session (photo by Doug Raney)

James Raney (Doug’s son): Aug 3rd
Jimmy Raney: Aug 20
Jon Raney: Aug 22
Talia Raney (My daughter): Aug 26
Doug Raney: Aug 29

What is it about August?

It makes me reflect on my family, our lives, our legacy and what all of us will do for the remainder of it. Jimmy Raney continues to be a guiding light and inspiration to many, dumbfoundingly underappreciated (also by many) and a bar of musical achievement that may never be reached by anyone in the future. Still, in the time I have left on this earth there is still much to do and frankly much more technical opportunity to create and share his body of work through analysis, media clips, and (as best I can jog my memory) first hand accounts of his life and career. He was a master musician, a unique and intuitive thinker and an influence to jazz guitarists and musicians all of the world – for years without getting enough public and critical acknowledgement for having done so.

The best the rest of us can hope for is to continue striving and working on our goals and not losing touch with all that is good and deserving of wider attention – past or present.

With that, I implore you to look (or “relook” as the case may be) at the following:

The latest Installment of Jimmy Raney’s biography on my site

chapter 9

Jimmy Raney Gets Deep Into it – Youtube Video

My Homage to Dad – a original continuation of his Book on Musical Line published on my site last year
pdf icon“Jimmy Raney Book Chapter 10”


Happy Birthday, Dad. You’re still in our thoughts.

Jon Raney Musician, Composer, Teacher, Writer Son of Jimmy Raney, bother of Doug Raney

One Comment

  • NJWS

    Jon, happy birthday to you, and all your family. Mine is August too ( Jennifer- Pearl Raney’s great granddaughter ) Thanks for sharing.